Moon & Tide Gatherings FAQs


What happens at a women’s circle?

“Women have been gathering in circles since the dawn of time and we are relearning and returning to the art of gathering for ourselves and for all the women in our lives. The women who are calling out for deep in-person connections and elevation.

For the women who are longing for the old ways of passed down wisdom. For the women who are hungry for shared stories of life experience and want this all to happen for them in a safe and sacred space.

In a circle of like minded women. So that we do not feel alone.”

- Imogen Bailey, Founder of Honouring Heart

In 2020, I started Moon & Tide Gatherings as a way for me to create a community of supportive women who embraced sisterhood, community and spirituality. I wanted to create a safe space where all parts of me was welcome, and in turn, a safe space where all women could arrive to be seen, be heard, be accepted, be valued and be celebrate for who they are.

Although the themes and activities will change from gathering to gathering, the one constant in our Sacred Sister Gatherings is our sharing circle, where we all given the opportunity to express what’s on our minds and hearts.

I know that this can be a little daunting for those who haven't experienced a circle before, which is why I have created a solo healing journey, in the form of our Sacred Cacao Ceremony. This particular style of gathering will not feature a sharing circle, but rather give you freedom and space to connect in with your own inner guidance and innate healing abilities, whilst being guided and supported by me.

How often do Moon & Tide Gatherings run?

There are 3 sacred women’s gatherings per month.

• Sacred Sister Circle - 2.5 hour women’s circle held in Yandina, Sunshine Coast

• Sacred Sister Sanctuary - 4 hour mini retreat held in various locations on the Sunshine Coast

• Sacred Cacao Ceremony - 2.5 hour inner healing journey held in Yandina, Sunshine Coast

Twice per year, I also hold a one-day retreat as an opportunity for women to take time out to nourish themselves. These are planned for April and August 2022.

Can you please explain more about the pricing structure?

Moon & Tide Gatherings promote inclusivity and encourage diversity. It is often the case that women in minority groups have experienced exclusion, shame and even violence by the greater society. Our gatherings are a safe space for women, and those who identify as women, and as such, I offer a reduction in ticket price as my way of humbly giving back to women who may need support.

Sacred Sister Circle

First Nations Women, Indigenous Women and Women of Colour, LGBTQ women, women with a disability, and women under significant financial pressure are welcome to attend a Sacred Sister Circle (2.5 hour gathering) at a reduced rate. When booking, use the coupon code “sisterhood” for 20% off.

Sacred Sister Sanctuary

First Nations Women, Indigenous Women and Women of Colour, LGBTQ women, women with a disability, and women under significant financial pressure are welcome to attend our mini-retreats at a reduced rate. When booking, use the coupon code “community” for 10% off.

Community Ticket

I offer a free community ticket to our Sacred Sister Circles (2.5 hour gatherings) for any woman who is under severe physical/emotional stress or is struggling financially. To claim this ticket, please contact me and nominate yourself. You are also welcome to nominate a family member or friend who may wish to access this offer.

What are the Moon & Tide Gatherings core values?

Sisterhood - we are committed to healing the "sister wound". We heal past experiences of backstabbing and bitchiness.

Community - we create community through a slow and steady commitment to camaraderie, trust and support.

Connection - we connect with nature, connect with each other, and connect with our sacred self.

Authenticity - we welcome our wonderfully-weird selves in this space. We are free to be witnessed as our authentic selves.

Diversity - we respect our individual differences, recognising that this is what creates our unique beauty.

Honesty - we are honest with ourselves, acknowledging all that we arrive with. Every facet of our being is welcome in circle.

Vulnerability - when we share in our vulnerability, we give permission for the next sister to do the same.

Courage - it takes courage to truly see our shadows and choose the path of healing, and we admire this in each of our sisters.

Sovereignty - we are powerful beings, and we recognise our ability to choose how we live our lives.

Acceptance - we accept ourselves and one another. Judgment is not welcome in our space.

Honour - we honour the wise woman that resides within each of us. We hold space and witness as each woman connects with her own intuition.

Freedom - we uphold freedom of expression, whether that be through movement, sound or tears.

Safety - we define our circles with a set of agreements, ensuring the privacy and safety of each sister.

Love - we recognise the transformative power of love that is unconditional. We see love in our sisters' eyes, reflecting back to us the love within us.