Moon & Tide Gatherings are sacred events for all women who are craving connection, community and sisterhood.

The name Moon & Tide was chosen as a reminder that the magical force that governs the moon cycles and the tides also resides within you. These gatherings are designed to reconnect you with the seasons, cycles, phases and rhythms of nature and in turn reconnect you with your sacred self.

Moon & Tide Gatherings bring women together, to celebrate the magic all around us and within us, to bring us back into harmony with the natural world, and to find sanctuary from the busyness of our modern lifestyle.

For more information about what a women’s circle is, check out our FAQs!


    Our Sacred Sister Gatherings are built on a foundation of strong values.

  • Sisterhood

    We are committed to healing the "sister wound". We heal past experiences of backstabbing and bitchiness.

  • Community

    We create community through a slow and steady commitment to camaraderie, trust and support.

  • Connection

    We connect with nature, connect with each other, and connect with our sacred self.

  • Authenticity

    We welcome our wonderfully-weird selves in this space. We are free to be witnessed as our authentic selves.

  • Diversity

    We respect our individual differences, recognising that this is what creates our unique beauty.

  • Honesty

    We are honest with ourselves, acknowledging all that we arrive with. Every facet of our being is welcome in circle.

  • Vulnerability

    When we share in our vulnerability, we give permission for the next sister to do the same.

  • Courage

    It takes courage to truly see our shadows and choose the path of healing, and we admire this in each of our sisters.

  • Sovereignty

    We are powerful beings, and we recognise our ability to choose how we live our lives.

  • Acceptance

    We accept ourselves and one another. Judgment is not welcome in our space.

  • Honour

    We honour the wise woman that resides within each of us. We hold space and witness as each woman connects with her own intuition.

  • Freedom

    We uphold freedom of expression, whether that be through movement, sound or tears.

  • Safety

    We define our circles with a set of agreements, ensuring the privacy and safety of each sister.

  • Love

    We recognise the transformative power of love that is unconditional. We see love in our sisters' eyes, reflecting back to us the love within us.



I found Kate took a lovely intentional loving inclusive approach and I felt respected and trusted and equal and empowered by her gentleness and encouragement to contribute.

I felt she held the space as facilitator and for each introduction she gifted us with enough information to satisfy our need to know without overwhelming us. I felt the segments were nourishing and added a depth to sharing.


Kate creates such beautiful spaces where you really feel safe to connect and share. I surprised myself going to one of her circles - I learned things about myself I was definitely not expecting to.

Kate has a way with words and takes time to make sure everyone understands, feels heard and she radiates acceptance and care.


Thank you so much for teaching us that when you trust your intuition magical things happen! You have created such a supportive environment which has given me the strength to learn to trust myself.

Today I truly understood just how far I have come and how much you have been a part of that. I appreciate you more than words can describe 💕


It was so lovely to join Kate again. I find such peace and enjoyment in attending her circles, and power in being in the company of her and all the women who attend.

I am very grateful that the universe led me to her.


Kate’s circle was welcoming, uplifting and insightful. Her warm, gentle energy facilitated a safe and honest sharing space within a circle of soulful sacred women.

I am looking forward to the next one I can attend.


The space Kate has created for women to sit in circle is so welcoming and heart felt.

I personally have gain so much more than ever expected and highly recommend to all women!